Proper legacy planning and preservation is a cornerstone of any successful retirement plan and helps ensure that your wishes will be respected and your loved ones are taken care of. Legacy Planning is a multifaceted process that can be used for a variety of purposes, from helping to preserve your assets for future use to transferring your wealth.

From the conservation of your assets to the transfer of them, comprehensive legacy planning helps ensure that the management of your assets will be dictated by your wishes throughout your life and may provide a variety of benefits to you and your family. When they are executed and implemented properly, legacy plans may help reduce family disputes and court bureaucracy, provide effective disability planning, appropriately utilize exemptions to minimize estate taxes, and provide certain asset protection benefits to beneficiaries.

There are many strategies and tools that can be utilized to help safeguard your wealth and make sure it is effectively transferred. A variety of legal documents, such as wills, revocable living trusts, powers of attorney and advanced medical documents, are beneficial to the legacy planning process.

Legacy planning requires a coordinated and comprehensive approach that our firm is uniquely positioned to provide. We can help outfit your legacy plan with the insurance products it needs to protect you and your family.